
Javascript and frontend

I have to stick to my daily goals so as to achieve my final goal and I have to complete that list of checkpoints.

Not much to write in c/log of today but have to maintain daily github streak so here I am. Read about a new concept in Javascript that is known as Type Coercion and which means that whenever the values are compared then at that time type conversion takes place in which the concept is achieved by == sign but if you want strict equality comparision then you have to use === sign. Similarly, we can guess what is the meaning of != and !== operators in JS. <= operator also converts the type at first go! Case values in switch case are checked with strictly unequal. switch(case){ case case_1:do_something; break; . . . default: do_something; break; }

Really upset that I was not able to complete the first module. It is insanely simple and I am really feeling that I am wasting time learning it but it’s cool. Enough of today. Can somehow call it a day.